I have a 3 blade enclosure running hyperv cluster.
have used converged networks to create nics for the likes of iscsi and live migration traffic and this all seems to be fine.
When i create a VM it takes longer to go through the process than creating a VM locally, which is normal i suppose, but the VM will sit at "finalizing your settings" for over 20 minutes.
The VM seems to run fine after that but i'm told the performance is terrible.
on the NAS the performance seems fine, can see no spikes in CPU, RAM or disk, and its a new Cluster so theres only a couple machines with load on it.
NAS is configured with 2 x 5TB clusters and 1 10GB qurom.
network drivers are up to date.
cant see any errors in event viewer to indicate what might be going on.
we did initially have event id 106 errors about processor overlap for nics in the windows teams but we resolved with pwoershell assigning processors to each nic.
any ideas would be greatly appreciated.