I have 2 Windows Server 2008 servers and I'm using a Dell Equallogic SAN. these 2 servers are setup as a cluster. I originally configured them a few months ago and then I didn't touch them for about 2 months. Now I went back to them and all of the disks are showing up as reserved on both servers. There's no options in disk management, everything is greyed out.
I have tried to take the SAN offline, bring it back online and then bring the servers up 1 at a time. that didn't help.
It's the same for all of the SAN disks. I contacted Dell Equallogic and they do not see a reservation on the SAN. They asked me to contact Microsoft.
I verified that the Cluster service is running.
I also tried using "cluster node w2k8 /clear:3" where 3 is the number of the disk.
I also tried running the Validation tests again.